Dispatch textDocument/didChange after rename (2) (#4049)

* Dispatch textDocument/didChange after rename

Previously whenever we renamed a symbol that was referenced from other
files we'd just edit those files in the background, and the LSP wouldn't
know about these changes. If we tried to rename the same symbol again,
the renaming would fail. In some scenarios, the operation would just be
wrong. Here is an attempt to fix this issue.

I also noticed another bug when using Go with `gopls` LSP and the `gofmt`
fixer. Whenever the file was saved, the `gofmt` would run and reformat
the file. But it seems there was some kind of a race condition so I
disabled saving for now, and all of the modified files will be unsaved,
so the user should call `:wa` to save them. I personally like this even
better because I can inspect exactly what changes happened, and I
instantly see them in the other opened buffers, which was previously not
the case.

Fixes #3343, #3642, #3781.

* Address PR comments

* Remove mode tests in corner case tests

* Address PR comments

* Save after ALERename and ALEOrganizeImports

Also provide options to disable automatic saving, as well as instructions to
enable `set hidden` before doing that.

* Fix broken test

* Save only when !&hidden

* Update doc

* Update doc

* Add silent
This commit is contained in:
Jerko Steiner 2022-02-08 12:07:39 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8b1ea33cc0
commit 4a4516e3bf
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 326 additions and 178 deletions

View File

@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ endfunction
function! ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(code_action, options) abort
let l:current_buffer = bufnr('')
let l:changes = a:code_action.changes
let l:should_save = get(a:options, 'should_save')
for l:file_code_edit in l:changes
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(
\ l:file_code_edit.fileName,
\ l:file_code_edit.textChanges,
\ l:should_save,
\ a:options,
@ -63,28 +62,28 @@ function! s:ChangeCmp(left, right) abort
return 0
function! ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(filename, changes, should_save) abort
let l:current_buffer = bufnr('')
function! ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(filename, changes, options) abort
let l:should_save = get(a:options, 'should_save')
let l:conn_id = get(a:options, 'conn_id')
let l:orig_buffer = bufnr('')
" The buffer is used to determine the fileformat, if available.
let l:buffer = bufnr(a:filename)
let l:is_current_buffer = l:buffer > 0 && l:buffer == l:current_buffer
if l:buffer > 0
if l:buffer != l:orig_buffer
call ale#util#Execute('silent edit ' . a:filename)
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let l:lines = getbufline(l:buffer, 1, '$')
" Add empty line if there's trailing newline, like readfile() does.
if getbufvar(l:buffer, '&eol')
let l:lines += ['']
let l:lines = readfile(a:filename, 'b')
if l:is_current_buffer
let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let l:pos = [1, 1]
" Changes have to be sorted so we apply them from bottom-to-top
for l:code_edit in reverse(sort(copy(a:changes), function('s:ChangeCmp')))
@ -155,46 +154,25 @@ function! ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(filename, changes, should_save) abort
if l:buffer > 0
" Make sure ale#util#{Writefile,SetBufferContents} add trailing
" newline if and only if it should be added.
" Make sure to add a trailing newline if and only if it should be added.
if l:lines[-1] is# '' && getbufvar(l:buffer, '&eol')
call remove(l:lines, -1)
call setbufvar(l:buffer, '&eol', 0)
elseif exists('+fixeol') && &fixeol && l:lines[-1] is# ''
" Not in buffer, ale#util#Writefile can't check &eol and always adds
" newline if &fixeol: remove to prevent double trailing newline.
call remove(l:lines, -1)
if a:should_save || l:buffer < 0
call ale#util#Writefile(l:buffer, l:lines, a:filename)
call ale#util#SetBufferContents(l:buffer, l:lines)
if l:is_current_buffer
if a:should_save
call ale#util#Execute(':e!')
call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:conn_id, l:buffer)
if l:should_save
call ale#util#Execute('silent w!')
call setpos('.', [0, l:pos[0], l:pos[1], 0])
if a:should_save && l:buffer > 0 && !l:is_current_buffer
" Set up a one-time use event that will delete itself to reload the
" buffer next time it's entered to view the changes made to it.
execute 'augroup ALECodeActionReloadGroup' . l:buffer
execute printf(
\ 'autocmd BufEnter <buffer=%d>'
\ . ' call ale#code_action#ReloadBuffer()',
\ l:buffer
augroup END
if l:orig_buffer != l:buffer && bufexists(l:orig_buffer)
call ale#util#Execute('silent buf ' . string(l:orig_buffer))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Author: Jerko Steiner <jerko.steiner@gmail.com>
" Description: Organize imports support for tsserver
function! ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
if get(a:response, 'command', '') isnot# 'organizeImports'
@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ function! ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
\ 'description': 'Organize Imports',
\ 'changes': l:file_code_edits,
\ },
\ {}
\ {
\ 'conn_id': a:conn_id,
\ 'should_save': !&hidden,
\ },

View File

@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ function! ale#rename#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
\ 'changes': l:changes,
\ },
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': a:conn_id,
\ 'should_save': !&hidden,
\ },
@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ function! ale#rename#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort
\ 'changes': l:changes,
\ },
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': a:conn_id,
\ 'should_save': !&hidden,
\ },

View File

@ -1820,8 +1820,8 @@ g:ale_open_list *g:ale_open_list*
autocmd QuitPre * if empty(&buftype) | lclose | endif
augroup END
g:ale_pattern_options *g:ale_pattern_options*
Type: |Dictionary|
@ -3435,6 +3435,10 @@ ALERename *ALERename*
The symbol where the cursor is resting will be the symbol renamed, and a
prompt will open to request a new name.
The rename operation will save all modified buffers when `set nohidden` is
set, because that disables leaving unsaved buffers in the background. See
`:help hidden` for more details.
ALEFileRename *ALEFileRename*
Rename a file and fix imports using `tsserver`.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
let g:notified_changes = []
runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim
function! ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(conn_id, buffer) abort
call add(g:notified_changes, {
\ 'conn_id': a:conn_id,
\ 'buffer': a:buffer
Save g:ale_enabled
let g:ale_enabled = 0
@ -36,10 +47,10 @@ Before:
" Close the extra buffers if we opened it.
if bufnr(g:file1) != -1
if bufnr(g:file1) != -1 && buflisted(bufnr(g:file1))
execute ':bp! | :bd! ' . bufnr(g:file1)
if bufnr(g:file2) != -1
if bufnr(g:file2) != -1 && buflisted(bufnr(g:file2))
execute ':bp! | :bd! ' . bufnr(g:file2)
@ -50,12 +61,16 @@ After:
call delete(g:file2)
unlet! g:notified_changes
" unlet! g:expected_notified_changes
unlet! g:file1
unlet! g:file2
unlet! g:test
unlet! g:changes
delfunction WriteFileAndEdit
runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim
@ -118,7 +133,7 @@ Execute(It should modify and save multiple files):
\ }]
\ }],
\ },
\ {'should_save': 1},
\ {'should_save': 1, 'conn_id': 'test_conn'},
AssertEqual [
@ -140,6 +155,13 @@ Execute(It should modify and save multiple files):
\ '',
\], readfile(g:file2, 'b')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file1),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file2),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(Beginning of file can be modified):
let g:test.text = [
@ -166,7 +188,7 @@ Execute(Beginning of file can be modified):
\ }],
\ }]
\ },
\ {'should_save': 1},
\ {'should_save': 1, 'conn_id': 'test_conn'},
AssertEqual [
@ -174,6 +196,11 @@ Execute(Beginning of file can be modified):
\ 'type B: number',
\] + g:test.text + [''], readfile(g:file1, 'b')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file1),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(End of file can be modified):
let g:test.text = [
@ -200,7 +227,7 @@ Execute(End of file can be modified):
\ }],
\ }]
\ },
\ {'should_save': 1},
\ {'should_save': 1, 'conn_id': 'test_conn'},
AssertEqual g:test.text + [
@ -209,6 +236,11 @@ Execute(End of file can be modified):
\ '',
\], readfile(g:file1, 'b')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file1),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(Current buffer contents will be reloaded):
let g:test.text = [
@ -238,7 +270,7 @@ Execute(Current buffer contents will be reloaded):
\ }],
\ }]
\ },
\ {'should_save': 1},
\ {'should_save': 1, 'conn_id': 'test_conn'},
AssertEqual [
@ -251,6 +283,55 @@ Execute(Current buffer contents will be reloaded):
\ 'type B: number',
\] + g:test.text, getbufline(g:test.buffer, 1, '$')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file1),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(Unlisted buffer contents will be modified correctly):
let g:test.text = [
\ 'class Name {',
\ ' value: string',
\ '}',
call writefile(g:test.text, g:file1, 'S')
execute 'edit ' . g:file1
let g:test.buffer = bufnr(g:file1)
execute 'bd'
AssertEqual bufnr(g:file1), g:test.buffer
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ {
\ 'changes': [{
\ 'fileName': g:file1,
\ 'textChanges': [{
\ 'start': {
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'offset': 1,
\ },
\ 'end': {
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'offset': 1,
\ },
\ 'newText': "type A: string\ntype B: number\n",
\ }],
\ }]
\ },
\ {'should_save': 1, 'conn_id': 'test_conn'},
AssertEqual [
\ 'type A: string',
\ 'type B: number',
\] + g:test.text + [''], readfile(g:file1, 'b')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(g:file1),
\}], g:notified_changes
# Tests for cursor repositioning. In comments `=` designates change range, and
# `C` cursor position
@ -261,13 +342,32 @@ Execute(Cursor will not move when it is before text change):
let g:test.changes = g:test.create_change(2, 3, 2, 8, 'value2')
call setpos('.', [0, 1, 1, 0])
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {'should_save': 1})
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
AssertEqual [1, 1], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 2, 0])
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {'should_save': 1})
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
AssertEqual [2, 2], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# ====C====
Execute(Cursor column will move to the change end when cursor between start/end):
let g:test.changes = g:test.create_change(2, 3, 2, 8, 'value2')
@ -276,11 +376,34 @@ Execute(Cursor column will move to the change end when cursor between start/end)
call WriteFileAndEdit()
call setpos('.', [0, 2, r, 0])
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {'should_save': 1})
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.changes, {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
AssertEqual ' value2: string', getline('.')
AssertEqual [2, 9], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# ====C
Execute(Cursor column will move back when new text is shorter):
@ -289,11 +412,18 @@ Execute(Cursor column will move back when new text is shorter):
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(2, 3, 2, 8, 'val'),
\ {'should_save': 1},
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual ' val: string', getline('.')
AssertEqual [2, 6], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# ==== C
Execute(Cursor column will move forward when new text is longer):
@ -302,10 +432,19 @@ Execute(Cursor column will move forward when new text is longer):
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 8, 0])
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(2, 3, 2, 8, 'longValue'), {'should_save': 1})
\ g:test.create_change(2, 3, 2, 8, 'longValue'),
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual ' longValue: string', getline('.')
AssertEqual [2, 12], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# =========
# =
# C
@ -314,10 +453,19 @@ Execute(Cursor line will move when updates are happening on lines above):
call setpos('.', [0, 3, 1, 0])
AssertEqual '}', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 2, 1, "test\ntest\n"), {'should_save': 1})
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 2, 1, "test\ntest\n"),
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual '}', getline('.')
AssertEqual [4, 1], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# =========
# =C
@ -326,10 +474,19 @@ Execute(Cursor line and column will move when change on lines above and just bef
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 2, 0])
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 2, 1, "test\ntest\n123"), {'should_save': 1})
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 2, 1, "test\ntest\n123"),
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual '123 value: string', getline('.')
AssertEqual [3, 5], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# =========
# ======C==
# =
@ -338,10 +495,19 @@ Execute(Cursor line and column will move at the end of changes):
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 10, 0])
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 3, 1, "test\n"), {'should_save': 1})
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, 3, 1, "test\n"),
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual '}', getline('.')
AssertEqual [2, 1], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
# C ==
# ===
Execute(Cursor will not move when changes happening on lines >= cursor, but after cursor):
@ -349,23 +515,42 @@ Execute(Cursor will not move when changes happening on lines >= cursor, but afte
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 3, 0])
AssertEqual ' value: string', getline('.')
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(2, 10, 3, 1, "number\n"), {'should_save': 1})
\ g:test.create_change(2, 10, 3, 1, "number\n"),
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual ' value: number', getline('.')
AssertEqual [2, 3], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(Cursor will not move when change covers entire file):
call WriteFileAndEdit()
call setpos('.', [0, 2, 3, 0])
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(
\ g:test.create_change(1, 1, len(g:test.text) + 1, 1,
\ join(g:test.text + ['x'], "\n")),
\ {'should_save': 1})
\ {
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ })
AssertEqual [2, 3], getpos('.')[1:2]
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
Execute(It should just modify file when should_save is set to v:false):
call WriteFileAndEdit()
let g:test.change = g:test.create_change(1, 1, 1, 1, "import { writeFile } from 'fs';\n")
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.change, {})
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(g:test.change, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
AssertEqual 1, getbufvar(bufnr(''), '&modified')
AssertEqual [
\ 'import { writeFile } from ''fs'';',
@ -374,6 +559,11 @@ Execute(It should just modify file when should_save is set to v:false):
\ '}',
\], getline(1, '$')
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
Given typescript(An example TypeScript file):
type Foo = {}
@ -393,7 +583,14 @@ Execute():
\ {'end': {'offset': 14, 'line': 9}, 'newText': 'foo', 'start': {'offset': 3, 'line': 9}},
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, 0)
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, {
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
AssertEqual [{
\ 'conn_id': 'test_conn',
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\}], g:notified_changes
Expect(The changes should be applied correctly):
type Foo = {}

View File

@ -34,20 +34,16 @@ Before:
Save &fileformats
set fileformats=unix
" two files, one accessed through a buffer, the other using write/readfile only
let g:files = [tempname(), tempname()]
let g:file = tempname()
function! TestChanges(contents, changes, mode) abort
let l:file = g:files[a:mode is 'file' ? 0 : 1]
call writefile(split(a:contents, '\n', 1), l:file, 'bS')
if a:mode isnot 'file'
execute 'edit ' . l:file
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(l:file, a:changes, a:mode isnot 'buffer')
if a:mode is 'buffer'
execute 'write ' . l:file
return join(readfile(l:file, 'b'), "\n")
function! TestChanges(contents, changes) abort
call writefile(split(a:contents, '\n', 1), g:file, 'bS')
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(g:file, a:changes, {
\ 'should_save': 1,
return join(readfile(g:file, 'b'), "\n")
function! MkPos(line, offset) abort
@ -63,17 +59,15 @@ Before:
for g:file in g:files
if bufnr(g:file) != -1
execute ':bp! | :bd! ' . bufnr(g:file)
if filereadable(g:file)
call delete(g:file)
unlet! g:files g:file
unlet! g:mode
unlet! g:file
delfunction TestChanges
delfunction MkPos
@ -83,97 +77,67 @@ After:
Execute(Preserve (no)eol at eof):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "noeol", TestChanges("noeol", [], g:mode)
AssertEqual "eol\n", TestChanges("eol\n", [], g:mode)
AssertEqual "eols\n\n", TestChanges("eols\n\n", [], g:mode)
" there doesn't seem to be a way to tell if a buffer is empty or contains one
" empty line :-(
AssertEqual "", TestChanges("", [], 'file')
AssertEqual "noeol", TestChanges("noeol", [])
AssertEqual "eol\n", TestChanges("eol\n", [])
AssertEqual "eols\n\n", TestChanges("eols\n\n", [])
Execute(Respect fixeol):
set fixeol
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
silent echo "vscode skip" | AssertEqual "noeol\n", TestChanges("noeol", [], g:mode)
silent echo "vscode skip" | AssertEqual "eol\n", TestChanges("eol\n", [], g:mode)
silent echo "vscode skip" | AssertEqual "noeol\n", TestChanges("noeol", [])
silent echo "vscode skip" | AssertEqual "eol\n", TestChanges("eol\n", [])
Execute(Add/del eol at eof):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "addeol\n", TestChanges("addeol", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 7), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "deleol", TestChanges("deleol\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 7), MkPos(1, 8))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "addeol\n", TestChanges("addeol", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 7), "\n")])
AssertEqual "deleol", TestChanges("deleol\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 7), MkPos(1, 8))])
Execute(One character insertions to first line):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "xabc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 0), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "xabc\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 1), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "axbc\ndef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 2), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abcx\ndef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 4), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\nxdef5\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 5), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\nxdef6\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 6), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "xabc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 0), "x")])
AssertEqual "xabc\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 1), "x")])
AssertEqual "axbc\ndef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 2), "x")])
AssertEqual "abcx\ndef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 4), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\nxdef5\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 5), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\nxdef6\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 6), "x")])
Execute(One character + newline insertions to first line):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "x\nabc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 0), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "x\nabc\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 1), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "ax\nbc\ndef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 2), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abcx\n\ndef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 4), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\nx\ndef5\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 5), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\nx\ndef6\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 6), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "x\nabc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 0), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "x\nabc\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 1), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "ax\nbc\ndef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 2), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abcx\n\ndef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 4), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\nx\ndef5\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 5), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\nx\ndef6\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(1, 6), "x\n")])
Execute(One character insertions near end):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\nghxi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghix\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 2), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef7\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef7\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(5, 1), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef8\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef8\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(5, 2), "x")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\nghxi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghix\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 2), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef7\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef7\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(5, 1), "x")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef8\nghi\nx", TestChanges("abc\ndef8\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(5, 2), "x")])
Execute(One character + newline insertions near end):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\nghx\ni\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghix\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 2), "x\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\nghx\ni\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghix\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "x\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi\nx\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 2), "x\n")])
Execute(Newline insertions near end):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\ngh\ni\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "\n")], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef1\ngh\ni\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 3), "\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef2\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 4), "\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef3\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 5), "\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef4\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(3, 6), "\n")])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\nghi\n\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkInsert(MkPos(4, 1), "\n")])
Execute(Single char deletions):
for g:mode in ['save', 'file', 'buffer']
Log g:mode
AssertEqual "bc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 1), MkPos(1, 2))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "ab\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 3), MkPos(1, 4))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abcdef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 4), MkPos(1, 5))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abcdef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 4), MkPos(1, 6))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\ngh\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 3), MkPos(3, 4))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 4), MkPos(3, 5))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef7\nghi", TestChanges("abc\ndef7\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 4), MkPos(3, 6))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "abc\ndef8\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef8\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(4, 1), MkPos(4, 2))], g:mode)
AssertEqual "bc\ndef1\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef1\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 1), MkPos(1, 2))])
AssertEqual "ab\ndef2\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef2\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 3), MkPos(1, 4))])
AssertEqual "abcdef3\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef3\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 4), MkPos(1, 5))])
AssertEqual "abcdef4\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef4\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(1, 4), MkPos(1, 6))])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef5\ngh\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef5\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 3), MkPos(3, 4))])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef6\nghi", TestChanges("abc\ndef6\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 4), MkPos(3, 5))])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef7\nghi", TestChanges("abc\ndef7\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(3, 4), MkPos(3, 6))])
AssertEqual "abc\ndef8\nghi\n", TestChanges("abc\ndef8\nghi\n", [MkDelete(MkPos(4, 1), MkPos(4, 2))])

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Execute():
\ {'end': {'offset': 15, 'line': 3}, 'newText': " return c\n\n\ndef main():\n c = func_qtffgsvi()\n", 'start': {'offset': 15, 'line': 3}}
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, 0)
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, {})
Expect(The changes should be applied correctly):
def func_qtffgsvi():
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Execute():
\ {'end': {'offset': 42, 'line': 8}, 'newText': "ivlpdpao(f)\n", 'start': {'offset': 33, 'line': 6}}
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, 0)
call ale#code_action#ApplyChanges(expand('%:p'), g:changes, {})
Expect(The changes should be applied correctly):
import sys

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Before:
function! ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(code_action, options) abort
let g:handle_code_action_called = 1
Assert !get(a:options, 'should_save')
AssertEqual !&hidden, get(a:options, 'should_save')
call add(g:code_actions, a:code_action)

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Before:
function! ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(code_action, options) abort
let g:handle_code_action_called = 1
Assert get(a:options, 'should_save')
AssertEqual !&hidden, get(a:options, 'should_save', 0)
call add(g:code_actions, a:code_action)