'use strict'; var PEM = module.exports; var Enc = require('./encoding.js'); PEM.RSA_OBJID = '06 09 2A864886F70D010101' .replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase(); PEM.parseBlock = function pemToDer(pem) { var typ; var pub; var hex; var der = Enc.base64ToBuf(pem.split(/\n/).filter(function (line, i) { if (0 === i) { if (/ PUBLIC /.test(line)) { pub = true; } else if (/ PRIVATE /.test(line)) { pub = false; } if (/ RSA /.test(line)) { typ = 'RSA'; } } return !/---/.test(line); }).join('')); if (!typ) { hex = Enc.bufToHex(der); if (-1 !== hex.indexOf(PEM.RSA_OBJID)) { typ = 'RSA'; } } if (!typ) { console.warn("Definitely not an RSA PKCS#8 because there's no RSA Object ID in the DER body."); console.warn("Probably not an RSA PKCS#1 because 'RSA' wasn't in the PEM type string."); } return { kty: typ, pub: pub, der: der }; }; PEM.packBlock = function (opts) { // TODO allow for headers? return '-----BEGIN ' + opts.type + '-----\n' + Enc.bufToBase64(opts.bytes).match(/.{1,64}/g).join('\n') + '\n' + '-----END ' + opts.type + '-----' ; };