lot's of updates to content and styling...

This commit is contained in:
John Shaver 2017-08-10 22:07:27 -07:00
parent 7083a0e1c2
commit 49ce0d30a8
7 changed files with 177 additions and 114 deletions

css/700.css Normal file
View File

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
/* just an empty stylesheet */
.flex-container { .flex-container {
width: 6.5in; width: 5.5in;
max-width: 90%; max-width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto; margin: 0 auto;
} }
body {font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif;} body {
font-family: Roboto, Tahoma, sans-serif;
text-align: justify;
h1, h2 { h1, h2 {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
@ -19,37 +21,54 @@ h1 {
font-size: 1.6rem; font-size: 1.6rem;
} }
h2 {font-size: 1.45rem;font-weight: normal;} h2 {
font-size: 1.45rem;
font-weight: 500;
h3 { h3 {
font-size: 1.3rem; font-size: 1.3rem;
font-weight: normal; margin: 1em 0 0.1em 0;
font-weight: 500;
} }
p {}
p.attention { p.attention {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
font-style: italic; font-style: italic;
} }
h4 { h4 {
font-weight: normal; font-weight: normal;
font-style: italic;
} }
div {}
img.project-image {max-width: 30%;} img.project-image {
max-width: 30%;
.project { .project {
display: flex; display: flex;
align-self: center; position: relative;
} }
.project.img {} .project-image {
margin: 2rem;
display: flex;
.project-image {width: 140%;} }
.project-image > img { .project-image > img {
max-width: 100%; max-width: 100%;
} margin-top: 2rem;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.17);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.17);
box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.17);

images/icon_work_aids.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.1 KiB

images/payzoom.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 125 KiB

images/workaids_login.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

images/workaids_login2.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
<head> <head>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 700.px)" href="css/700.css" />
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400i,500,500i,700" rel="stylesheet">
<title>Javascipt Developer - Portfolio</title> <title>Javascipt Developer - Portfolio</title>
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
@ -12,122 +15,163 @@
<div class="social-links"></div> <div class="social-links"></div>
</header> </header>
<article> <article>
<section> <section class="section about">
<h2>About Me</h2> <h2>About Me</h2>
<p class="attention">I am currently looking for a full-time remote <p class="attention">I am currently looking for a full-time
position (frontend or fullstack) working with a team in a modern remote position (frontend or fullstack) working with a team in
framework (preferably with React) to build or improve an interesting and a modern framework (preferably with React) to build or improve
purposeful project.</p> an interesting and purposeful project.</p>
<p>In high school studied Computer Networking Systems and Computer <p>In high school studied Computer Networking Systems and
Programming part time at the nearby Occupation Skills Center. Since Computer Programming part time at the nearby Occupation Skills
then I have been working with computers and teaching myself Software Center. Since then I have been working with computers and
Development. I spent 7 years working in various Technical Support teaching myself Software Development. I spent 7 years working
roles where I learned an in-depth understanding of various internet and in various Technical Support roles where I gained an in-depth
server technologies so when I shifted my career to software development, understanding of a variety of internet and server technologies.
working on web based software seemed an obvious choice.</p> So, when I shifted my career to software development, working
on web based software seemed an obvious choice.</p>
<p>I was hired to do web development at a consultancy in 2013. Since <p>I have spent the last 4 years designing, building, deploying
2014, I have been a freelance developer working with NodeJS and and maintainging javascript applications. I've worked with
javascript and more recently React/Redux. I enjoy learning new things, iOS, PHP, NodeJS, and more recently React/Redux. I enjoy
solving difficult problems and building software that assists my learning new things, solving difficult problems and building
clients/users in achieving success. I live in Hayden Idaho and my software that assists my clients/users in achieving success. I
hobbies include Devops, listening to podcasts, playing ukulele and, live in Hayden Idaho and my hobbies include Devops, listening
especially, spending time with my wife and 3 kids.</p> to podcasts, playing ukulele and, especially, spending time
with my wife and 3 kids.</p>
</section> </section>
<section> <section class="section projects">
<h2>Recent Software Projects</h2> <h2>Recent Software Projects</h2>
<h3>NewVistas Website Platform</h3> <h3>NewVistas Website Platform</h3>
<div class="project"> <div class="project">
<!--<div> <div class="project-image">
<img class="project-image" src="images/newvistas.jpg"/> <img class="main-image" src="images/newvistas.jpg"/>
</div>--> </div>
<div class="project-info"> <div class="project-info">
<h4>Project Goals</h4> <h4>Project Goals</h4>
<p>Newvistas needed a platform to replace their old website for <p>Newvistas needed a replacement platform for
both public-facing web content, encouraging communication between public-facing web content, encouraging communication
users and managing deliverables from business managers. The The between users, managing deliverables from business
new platform needed to allow managing owners to log into the managers and allowing business owners and authorized
website to update content relevant to their role. The platform contributors to update content relevant to their role.
needed to be easily deployable on multiple websites and allow for The platform needed to be easily deployable on multiple
fast style customization between sites by the maintaining domains and allow the maintaining developers to easily
developer. customize styling differently between them.</p>
<h4>Technologies Used</h4> <h4>My Contributions</h4>
<p>The backend was a rest API built with Node.js and Express.js. <p>I was the only developer on the project. I built
The front end was an isomorphically rendered SPA built wth both the REST api and the frontend SPA to that used the
React.js paired with Redux to manage state. Administrators REST api. The REST api was kept separate so that the
authenticated with their AzureAD user via OpenID Connect. project could actually run separate seamlessly
Content was isomorphically rendered on the server to allow for integrated SPAs for each role it was trying to fill. I
SEO and speedy load times. The development environment was run designed the dev environment to be quickly and easily
in vagrant with virtual box and babel and weback were used to rebuilt and deployed since I would be handing it off to
compile and bundle the front end code. The app was designed to other devs to maintain. The build process is designed
run on ephemeral ec2 instances and deployed to AWS Elastic to ensure optimized page loads and help with
Beanstalk to allow for scalability.</p> cross-browser compatibility,while allowing for the
<h4>My Contributions</h4> latest libraries and language improvements to be used.
<p>I was the only developer assigned to work on the project and Deploying is fast and easy as well as easily
developed it myself, so I built the rest api and the frontend SPA reversible, leveraging AWS Elastic Beanstalk, EC2 and
but my work also included designing the dev environment to be S3.</p>
quickly and easily redeployed with a clean slate for testing. <h4>Technologies Used</h4>
The build process was designed to ensure deployed code was <p>The backend was a rest API built with Node.js and
optimized and cross-browser compatible while allowing for the Express.js. The front end is an isomorphically
latest libraries and language improvements to be used and the I rendered SPA built wth React/Redux. The front end is
designed the deploy process to be easy and quickly deployed or compiled from ES2016 to ES5 using babel and webpack.
reverted with a greatly reduced chance of human error than Isomorphic rendering provides fast load times and
previous deploy processes the client had used in the past.</p> ensures search engines can index the public content.
</div> Users authenticate with their AzureAD user via OpenID
Connect. Express was used to build out the REST
endpoints for the API mySQL is used via Sequelize.js
ORM. Secured endpoint authorize users based on their
user roles and ownership/roles assigned to different
pages/groupings taking into account assigned roles of
parent groupings. The development environment is run
in vagrant with virtual box and babel and weback were
used to compile and bundle the front end code. The app
runs on ephemeral ec2 instances and deployed to AWS
Elastic Beanstalk to allow for scalability.</p>
</div> </div>
<h3>Payzoom</h3> <h3>Payzoom Econosystem Platform</h3>
<div class="project"> <div class="project">
<!--<div class="project-image"> <div class="project-image">
<img alt="The Payzoom Logo" src="images/PayZoom_logo.png"/> <img alt="The Payzoom Logo" src="images/PayZoom_logo.png"/>
</div>--> <img class="main-image" alt="Payzoom Software Demo" src="images/payzoom.png"/>
<div class="project-info"> </div>
<h4>Project Goal</h4> <div class="project-info">
<p>Payzoom is a SAAS that allows a community of small businesses and <h4>Project Goal</h4>
funding entities to work together to get funding work for each other <p>Payzoom is a SaaS that allows a community of small
and balance all the payments at the end of the week including paying businesses and funding entities to work together to
employees, contractors, services fees, and expenses.</p> work for each other and balance all the payments at the
<h4>Technologies Used</h4> end of the week including paying employees,
<p>When I was working on payzoom it was built with NodeJS and MySQL contractors, services fees, and expenses. Participants
on the backend and a custom built web-based frontend. Communication need to be able to do work for any company on any
between server and web was done via websockets and a JSON api. The project and bill them accordingly as easily as if they
backend had to communicate with Gusto(ZenPayroll) and were working for their own company.</p>
QuickBooksOnline APIs. </p> <h4>My Contributions</h4>
<h4>My Contributions</h4> <p>I wrote the initial payroll integration with
<p>I wrote the initial payroll integration with ZenPayroll to gather ZenPayroll to gather weekly totals and pass the
weekly totals and pass the information to ZenPayroll as well as the information to ZenPayroll as well as the code to send
code to send and reconcile expense data and documentation to and reconcile expense data and documentation to
QuickBooksOnline.</p> QuickBooksOnline. Implemented some of the user
<p>While working on the project I improved the dev enviornment interface views including allocating overtime and
from one that required 2 days for a developer to build a attaching files to reports/allocations and the
permanent virtualbox image to an ephemeral environment in associated backend. While working on the project I
Vagrant that could be setup in less than 20min.</p> improved the dev environment from one that required 2
</div> days for a developer to build a permanent virtualbox
image to an ephemeral environment in Vagrant that could
be thrown away and recreated in less than 20
<h4>Technologies Used</h4>
<p>Vagrant Payzoom was built with NodeJS and MySQL on
the backend and a custom built javascript frontend.
Communication between server and web was done via
websockets and a JSON command/sub/pub api that routed
particular requests/subscriptions to differnt modules
running on the backend. Payroll was processed via Gusto
and invoicing informaiton/documentation was passed to
QuickBooksOnline for paying invoices and tracking
</div> </div>
<h3>Novatek Native Wrapper App</h3> <h3>Novatek Native Wrapper App</h3>
<div class="project"> <div class="project">
<!--<img class="project-image" src="images/wrapper.png" />--> <div class="project-image">
<img class="main-image" alt="Workaids App Icon" src="images/icon_work_aids.png" />
<img alt="Workaids Login Screen" src="images/workaids_login2.png" />
<div class="project-info"> <div class="project-info">
<h4>Project Goals</h4> <h4>Project Goals</h4>
<p>They had an SPA that already had a mobile view, but they wanted <p>The Client had an SPA optimized for mobile, but
it to operate more like an app and have access to the phone camera, wanted it to operate more like an app and have access
bluetooth, geofencing, etc. with a native work flow. They wanted an to the phones camera, bluetooth, geofencing, etc.
app built to allow this while reusing the existing mobile website Since phonegapp was still immature, they wanted an app
as much as possible.</p> built to wrap the current web interface and allow
<h4>Technologies Used</h4> reusing the existing web based code as much as
<p>This was before phonegapp was in much use so they went with a possible.</p>
wrapper app that wrapped the webview and exposed the phone APIs to the
website via messages sent betwen javascript and the Objective C
code. A javascript library was built that provided an event based
api to easier access hte phone functions.
<h4>My Contrinbutions</h4> <h4>My Contrinbutions</h4>
<p>I came onto the project later and helped write alot of the api <p>Initially I helped write many of the api calls for
code for the javascript library. I also helped out with deploying the js library the web app used to communicate through
the app to the app store and did some simple maintenance on the the webFrame to the native code. Later I helped out
Objective C codebase. I also wrote the backend and Objective C code with ad-hoc deploying the app and did some basic
necessary to facilitate push notifications.</p> maintenance and improvements on the native Objective-C
codebase. This included the PHP backend and Objective-C
code necessary to facilitate iOS push
<h4>Technologies Used</h4>
<p>This was before phonegapp was very far along use so
they decided to build a custom wrapper app that wrapped
the webview and exposed the phone APIs to the website
via messages sent betwewn javascript and the Objective
C code. A javascript library was built that provided
an event based API to easier access the phone
functions. Grunt was used bundle the javascript
library. Some work was done in PHP to provide support
for the App to authenticate and to send off push
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</section> </section>
</article> </article>
</body> </body>