scriptencoding utf-8 " Author: w0rp " Author: Luan Santos " Description: Shows lint message for the current line as virtualtext, if any " Controls the milliseconds delay before showing a message. let g:ale_virtualtext_delay = get(g:, 'ale_virtualtext_delay', 10) let s:cursor_timer = -1 let s:last_pos = [0, 0, 0] let s:has_virt_text = 0 let s:emulate_virt = 0 if has('nvim-0.3.2') let s:ns_id = nvim_create_namespace('ale') let s:has_virt_text = 1 elseif has('textprop') && has('popupwin') let s:has_virt_text = 1 let s:emulate_virt = !has('patch-9.0.0214') if s:emulate_virt call prop_type_add('ale', {}) let s:last_virt = -1 else let s:last_virt = 1 endif endif function! ale#virtualtext#Clear() abort if !s:has_virt_text return endif let l:buffer = bufnr('') if has('nvim') call nvim_buf_clear_highlight(l:buffer, s:ns_id, 0, -1) else if s:emulate_virt && s:last_virt != -1 call prop_remove({'type': 'ale'}) call popup_close(s:last_virt) let s:last_virt = -1 elseif s:last_virt != 1 call prop_remove({'id': s:last_virt}) let s:last_virt = 1 endif endif endfunction function! ale#virtualtext#ShowMessage(message, hl_group) abort if !s:has_virt_text return endif let l:line = line('.') let l:buffer = bufnr('') let l:prefix = get(g:, 'ale_virtualtext_prefix', '> ') let l:msg = l:prefix.trim(substitute(a:message, '\n', ' ', 'g')) if has('nvim') call nvim_buf_set_virtual_text(l:buffer, s:ns_id, l:line-1, [[l:msg, a:hl_group]], {}) elseif s:emulate_virt let l:left_pad = col('$') call prop_add(l:line, l:left_pad, { \ 'type': 'ale', \}) let s:last_virt = popup_create(l:msg, { \ 'line': -1, \ 'padding': [0, 0, 0, 1], \ 'mask': [[1, 1, 1, 1]], \ 'textprop': 'ale', \ 'highlight': a:hl_group, \ 'fixed': 1, \ 'wrap': 0, \ 'zindex': 2 \}) else let type = prop_type_get(a:hl_group) if type == {} call prop_type_add(a:hl_group, {'highlight': a:hl_group}) endif let s:last_virt = prop_add(l:line, 0, { \ 'type': a:hl_group, \ 'text': ' ' . l:msg \}) endif endfunction function! s:StopCursorTimer() abort if s:cursor_timer != -1 call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer) let s:cursor_timer = -1 endif endfunction function! ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarning(...) abort if !g:ale_virtualtext_cursor return endif let l:buffer = bufnr('') if mode(1) isnot# 'n' return endif if ale#ShouldDoNothing(l:buffer) return endif let [l:info, l:loc] = ale#util#FindItemAtCursor(l:buffer) call ale#virtualtext#Clear() if !empty(l:loc) let l:msg = l:loc.text let l:hl_group = 'ALEVirtualTextInfo' let l:type = get(l:loc, 'type', 'E') if l:type is# 'E' if get(l:loc, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style' let l:hl_group = 'ALEVirtualTextStyleError' else let l:hl_group = 'ALEVirtualTextError' endif elseif l:type is# 'W' if get(l:loc, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style' let l:hl_group = 'ALEVirtualTextStyleWarning' else let l:hl_group = 'ALEVirtualTextWarning' endif endif call ale#virtualtext#ShowMessage(l:msg, l:hl_group) endif endfunction function! ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay() abort let l:buffer = bufnr('') if !g:ale_virtualtext_cursor return endif if mode(1) isnot# 'n' return endif call s:StopCursorTimer() let l:pos = getpos('.')[0:2] " Check the current buffer, line, and column number against the last " recorded position. If the position has actually changed, *then* " we should show something. Otherwise we can end up doing processing " the show message far too frequently. if l:pos != s:last_pos let l:delay = ale#Var(l:buffer, 'virtualtext_delay') let s:last_pos = l:pos let s:cursor_timer = timer_start( \ l:delay, \ function('ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarning') \) endif endfunction