Before: call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/handler') " Load sca2d runtime ale_linters/openscad/sca2d.vim After: call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The openscad handler should handle sca2d output): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'filename': ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/awesome_project.scad'), \ 'lnum': 7, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'col': 42, \ 'text': 'Module `corcle` used but never defined.', \ 'detail': 'E2002: Module `corcle` used but never defined.', \ }, \ ], \ ale#handlers#openscad#SCA2D_callback(bufnr(''), [ \ 'awesome_project.scad:7:42: E2002: Module `corcle` used but never defined.', \ '', \ 'SCA2D message summary', \ '=====================', \ 'Fatal errors: 0', \ 'Errors: 1', \ 'Warnings: 0', \ 'Info: 0', \ 'Depreciated 0', \ ]) AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'filename': ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/awesome_project.scad'), \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'col': 37, \ 'text': 'Cannot read file due to syntax error: - No terminal matches ''}'' in the current parser context', \ 'detail': 'F0001: Cannot read file due to syntax error: - No terminal matches ''}'' in the current parser context', \ }, \ ], \ ale#handlers#openscad#SCA2D_callback(bufnr(''), [ \ 'awesome_project.scad:1:1: F0001: Cannot read file due to syntax error:', \ ' - No terminal matches ''}'' in the current parser context, at line 1 col 37', \ ' - ', \ ' - translate([ 0, 0, 0 ]) { circle(10) }', \ ' - ^', \ ' - Expected one of: ', \ ' - * IF', \ ' - * LET', \ ' - * FOR', \ ' - * FUNC_CALL_NAME', \ ' - * TERMINATION', \ ' - * STAR', \ ' - * LBRACE', \ ' - * BANG', \ ' - * ASSIGN', \ ' - * PERCENT', \ ' - * HASH', \ ' - * INTERSECTION_FOR', \ ' - ', \ 'If you belive this is a bug in SCA2D please report it to us.', \ '', \ '', \ 'SCA2D message summary', \ '=====================', \ 'Fatal errors: 1', \ 'Errors: 0', \ 'Warnings: 0', \ 'Info: 0', \ 'Depreciated 0', \ ])