" Description: Functions for working with Maven projects. " " Given a buffer number, find a Maven project root. function! ale#maven#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort let l:wrapper_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'mvnw') if !empty(l:wrapper_path) return fnamemodify(l:wrapper_path, ':h') endif let l:pom_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'pom.xml') if !empty(l:pom_path) return fnamemodify(l:pom_path, ':h') endif return '' endfunction " Given a buffer number, find the path to the executable. " First search on the path for 'mvnw' (mvnw.cmd on Windows), if nothing is found, " try the global command. Returns an empty string if cannot find the executable. function! ale#maven#FindExecutable(buffer) abort let l:wrapper_cmd = has('unix') ? 'mvnw' : 'mvnw.cmd' let l:wrapper_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:wrapper_cmd) if !empty(l:wrapper_path) && executable(l:wrapper_path) return l:wrapper_path endif if executable('mvn') return 'mvn' endif return '' endfunction " Given a buffer number, get a working directory and command to print the " classpath of the root project. " " Returns an empty string for the command if Maven is not detected. function! ale#maven#BuildClasspathCommand(buffer) abort let l:executable = ale#maven#FindExecutable(a:buffer) if !empty(l:executable) let l:project_root = ale#maven#FindProjectRoot(a:buffer) if !empty(l:project_root) return [ \ l:project_root, \ ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' dependency:build-classpath' \] endif endif return ['', ''] endfunction