Commit Graph

4243 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dan George 072750137f
Fix --file-filter option on cppcheck command (#3987)
* Add cppcheck handler match on misra msg

* Fix cppcheck --file-filter setting

This time, the tests and actually usage both work.

Co-authored-by: Dan George <>
2021-11-20 19:01:32 +09:00
David Houston ea643b97ab
Add cspell Linter (#3981)
* Add cspell linter

Add cspell linter, with the languages it supports.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Add cspell Global Variables Documentation

Add documentation to /doc/ale.txt with cspell configuration options.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Add cspell to docs, Minor Cleanup

Add cspell for each supported language, adding some spaces and removing
others when caught navigating the file.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
2021-11-19 07:41:05 +09:00
Dan George aee0cc45be
Cppcheck buffered file only (#3983)
* Add cppcheck handler match on misra msg

* Use --file-filter cppcheck option

Cppcheck recently added --file-filter so that cppcheck only checks the
filtered files, even when using --project option, which checks all files
in the project, by default. The --ccpcheck-build-dir option didn't help
enough (at all?).

* Added C test cases

Also fixed and assumed typo: foo.c, instead of foo.cpp

* Replace hard-coded full path filenames

Attempt to fix the windows platform test execution.

* Fix typo - foo.c, instead of foo.cpp

* Reset buffer var between tests

* Handle header files in cppcheck

Cppcheck isn't designed to check header files, stand-alone. Daniel
Marjamäki suggested using --suppress options to avoid FPs.

* Fix Vint complaint in cppcheck handler.

* Fix file path in cppcheck handler

Co-authored-by: Dan George <>
2021-11-18 13:27:23 +09:00
Dan George 3ca66e44bd
Restore checkmake linebreaks (#3986)
* Add cppcheck handler match on misra msg

* Add linebreak to checkmake formatter

Co-authored-by: Dan George <>
2021-11-18 13:23:38 +09:00
David Houston 2cfeabd1b5
Rewrite Alex Integration to Use stdin (#3982)
Since having been added, the `alex` tool has added support for linting
on stdin. Rewrite this integration to reduce the number of tools
requiring disk-write access.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
2021-11-18 13:00:45 +09:00
Arie Oldman 3b8ff6536e
Adds PHPActor Linter (LSP) (#3975)
* Adds phpactor lsp linter

* Fixes missing comma

* Adds tests for phpactor lsp linter

* Adds note that this part is not my own work

* Removes unused variable

* Adds phpactor to supported tools list

* Fixes doc sorting

* Wraps phpactor in code tags
2021-11-18 12:54:10 +09:00
Daisuke Shimamoto 31dc6a61a0
Find composer.json when searching for psalm (#3979)
* Look for nearest composer.json before .git

* Add test for projects with composer.json
2021-11-15 21:17:18 +09:00
Chuan Wei Foo 01fdd8d66b
Show errors and warnings for the 'smlnj' linter (#3957)
* Show errors and warnings for the 'smlnj' linter

Fixes #3953

* Change smlnj stdIn regex
2021-11-15 20:35:45 +09:00
Dan George d72a9d64ff
Add cppcheck handler match on misra msg (#3980)
Co-authored-by: Dan George <>
2021-11-15 20:34:46 +09:00
Utkarsh Verma 1e0e76bf96
Add support for AVRA linting (#3950)
* Add support for AVRA linting

* Add tests for AVRA linting and improve code

* Fix test

* Fix warning detection

* Fix test

* Fix test

* Add AVRA as a supported language in docs
2021-11-15 19:41:03 +09:00
Dmitri Vereshchagin 76c2293e68
Add sub_type to Elvis output (#3976)
Elvis is Erlang style reviewer, thus all loclist objects should have
sub_type set to style.
2021-11-12 16:50:56 +09:00
Arie Oldman ff26ed7231
Adds --memory-limit support for phpstan (#3973)
* Adds --memmory-limit option for PHPStan linter

* Updates docs for phpstan --memory-limit option.

* Adds Arizard to authors

* Adds test for phpstan memory limit parameter

* Fixes order of parameters in test

* Changes dash to underscore
2021-11-12 14:18:49 +09:00
David Houston a9d7f45924
Implement statix Linter and Fixer (#3969)
* Add Statix for Linting

Add `statix check` as a linter. Provides a simple set of definition
tests additionally. Variable names specify "check" to allow for later
addition of `statix fix` as a formatter once stream support is added.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fixup Supported Tools List

I didn't realise there were two separate lists of tools, so add statix
to the other list. Also, remembered "S" comes after "R", and so
re-ordered it.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fix statix Test File

I refactored the variables for statix to allow for writing a fixer
later, and forgot to update them in the test, so update them now. Also
remove a stray "i", add missing space before checks

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Update Output Stream for v0.4.0

statix v0.4.0 provides a breaking change of output stream from stderr to

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Add statix fix Fixer

Implement statix fix as a fixer for simple Nix antipatterns.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fix statix Fixer Tests

Fix the statix fixer tests by removing the unnecessary
'read_temporary_file' value from the command, since it simply uses the
default value.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Add statix Handler Test

Add a test for the statix handler per @hsanson's request.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fix to run only on stdin for linting

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
2021-11-12 07:34:25 +09:00
David Houston 8b3b16d71c
Implement gofumpt Fixer (#3968)
* Implement gofumpt Fixer

Add an implementation with test and documentation for the gofumpt go
code formatter, a stricter formatter than your standard "go fmt".

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Add gofumpt to ale.txt TOC

Forgot to add gofumpt to the ALE vim help Table of Contents, so do so.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fix Test Setup Method Capitalization

I had put "Setup" instead of "SetUp" for "ale#assert#SetUpFixerTests".
Fix such.

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>

* Fix typos

Add a missing space, remove an extra bracket by actually running tests
locally first. Would've been smart to do that from the beginning...

Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
2021-11-09 16:53:44 +09:00
Magnus Groß f37cd1fd4f
Make run-tests compatible with Podman (#3961)
There is no need to filter for references in such a complicated way.
docker images already works if you just pass the image and tag as
an argument.

This caused problems if one was using podman with its docker-compatible
Previously podman would return the following error:
Error: cannot specify an image and a filter(s)

With this new method podman does not return an error anymore, causing
the image to not be redownloaded every time and it still works with
normal Docker.
2021-11-04 16:01:46 +09:00
Benjamin Bannier 92f08b5af2
Add support for zeek (#3952) 2021-10-24 21:05:55 +09:00
Magnus Groß da331acc9e
Replace line breaks in virtual text with whitespace (#3949)
Before this patch multiline warnings would appear in a single line with
'^@' as separator.
Now we use whitespace as separator to improve the appearance.

Also strip trailing whitespace, newlines, etc...

Fixes #3939
2021-10-24 11:35:06 +09:00
Andrew Hayworth 95ba7898b4
Re-apply #3538 - remove -T argument from ruby linter (#3951)
The `-T` option (for "taint checking") was deprecated in ruby 2.7
and removed entirely in ruby 3.0. This causes the linter to fail
entirely for users of ruby 3.0.

This was reported in #3537, and then fixed in #3538 - but it seems as
though in 9fe7b1fe6a, it was accidentally
and entirely undone.

This commit is essentially identical to #3538, aside from a path change
for the tests.
2021-10-22 14:20:00 +09:00
Randy Stauner 9b5a3581eb
Parse clj-kondo lines that don't include row/col (#3946)
Some custom linter hooks don't include these numbers.
2021-10-19 16:04:50 +09:00
infokiller cb0f0e1d0b
fix(hadolint): set code field as well (#3943) 2021-10-19 15:30:19 +09:00
Horacio Sanson 16898417e6
Fix 3941 - add version check to isort fixer (#3942) 2021-10-16 14:02:58 +09:00
Horacio Sanson c7e3f1a0dd
Fix 3207 - do not send didSave notification if not supported (#3930) 2021-10-15 08:42:07 +09:00
Roeland 7413dfd3fc
erblint as fixer (#3935)
* fixer erblint

* erblint fixer test
2021-10-11 20:52:46 +09:00
Roeland 1ee7580557
Add support for erblint (#3931)
* support for erblint

* fix tests

* test for handler

* wrong names

* typo

* doc layout

* CI failed?
2021-10-09 14:33:07 +09:00
Wilson E. Alvarez 42a6e039cb
Implement textDocument/didSave includeText optional argument (#3925) 2021-10-07 20:48:54 +09:00
D. Ben Knoble 34a972f85d
sml: use filenames (fix #1084) (#3860) 2021-10-07 11:33:33 +09:00
Tomáš Janoušek efa563826d
codefix: Fix code actions that return Command[] directly instead of CodeAction[] (#3929)
According to,
the response to textDocument/codeAction is:

    (Command | CodeAction)[] | null

and the code only handled the case where it was a CodeAction that either
specified an edit or a command, but didn't handle a direct Command.

Note that the specification also says that both can be specified and
then the edit is applied first, then the command. Furthermore, there
seems to be some hacky code handling arguments directly, which I suspect
is non-standard and only works with a specific LSP server that happens
to pass the edits in the arguments unmodified.
2021-10-07 11:29:00 +09:00
a666 f9deee0e41
Add flakehell python linter (#3295) (#3921) 2021-10-02 16:37:57 +09:00
Arnold Chand 19b0f72c23
feat: add deno lsp for javascript (#3924)
* feat(js/deno): add deno lsp

* fix(doc/typescript): typo

* feat(doc/javascript): add deno lsp information

* feat(doc/supported-tools): add deno to js list, sorted

* fix(doc/javascript): update ToC and supported tools w/ deno
2021-10-02 09:51:22 +09:00
Magnus Groß 708e810414
Implement virtual text support for vim (#3915)
This requires the textprop and popupwin feature (vim 8.2).

Fixes #3906
2021-10-02 09:02:49 +09:00
Yuto Ito c9c89a1853
Fix: Failed to execute rubocop fixer on other machine (#3916) 2021-09-23 18:46:16 +09:00
Trevor Whitney f8a4c78b5b
Add support for jsonnetfmt and jsonnet-lint (#3907)
* update to lates

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>

* fix up docs

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>

* fix docs

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>

* get tests passing

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>

* update regex

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>

* use ale#Pad and AssertFixer

Signed-off-by: Trevor Whitney <>
2021-09-21 10:49:15 +09:00
Götz Christ 2f72a3ed19
[YAML] CircleCI: skip checking for new tool version (#3902)
This way the tool runs a bit faster and we don't create unneeded network requests. Don't know if there are other network requests still occurring.
2021-09-17 17:55:28 +09:00
Dalius Dobravolskas dca56dd772
ALECodeAction fix: check linter name when searching for nearest error. (#3901)
It is easier to explain this fix with an example:

* tsserver and LSPs ask for error information when you want to fix
  error. tsserver `ts@getCodeFixes` command needs tsserver error code.

* now let's imagine that user has eslint and tsserver in use. Sometimes
  both can report same error in different way.

* Now there is no guarantee which error will come first and if eslint
  error comes first then tsserver will not return code fixes as we are
  passing wrong error code to it.

This fix will return proper error code based on linter.
2021-09-16 22:05:38 +09:00
Horacio Sanson 31349f208b
Update ALE test docs to mention NVim 0.5 (#3904) 2021-09-16 12:16:08 +09:00
Oliver Albertini f769f64c07
[ale-python-root] add `.pyre_configuration.local` to list of files (#3900)
Without this, we have one `pyre` process running across different pyre
projects. With this change, files in different projects can be linted
with pyre at the same time.

Co-authored-by: Oliver Ruben Albertini <>
2021-09-15 21:07:45 +09:00
Samuel Branisa 19437e25d0
Robot framework rflint support (#3715)
* Create rflint.vim

support for robot framework by creating ale definition for rflint syntax linter

* robot framework - rflint support
2021-09-11 09:19:17 +09:00
Horacio Sanson bf29f6ea92
Fix 3897 - add poetry to isort (#3898)
Co-authored-by: Horacio Sanson <>
2021-09-10 15:18:41 +09:00
Oliver Albertini b504eeb094
[python/pyre.vim] Fix pyre persistent behavior (#3895)
It's necessary to provide a `-l` option to pyre with the closest parent
directory containing a `.pyre_configuration.local` file, or simply
change directory (cwd) to the root of the pyre project. Thanks to Ken
Verbosky for the code that fixes this.

Error seen when not using such a solution:

1031.473923 on 6: Dropping message 'ƛ Background task unexpectedly quited: Invalid configuration: Cannot find any source files to analyze. Either `source_directories` or `targets` must be specified.

Issue with this approach is that if you are editing files under
different projects, the `pyre persistent` process is not re-created for
each file. We have to do `:ALEStopAlllsps` in order for the process to
start with the new working directory.

Co-authored-by: Oliver Ruben Albertini <>
2021-09-10 12:53:54 +09:00
Jon Parise c5c58f5bf8
Improve the thriftcheck handler pattern (#3893)
More recent versions of thriftcheck use a more compliant GCC-style
output format which includes a space before the "severity" group.
This matches similar tools, like shellcheck.

This change adjusts the handler's pattern to parse this format in a
backwards-compatible way (even though backwards compatibility isn't
critical long-term as thriftcheck itself is close to its 1.0 release).
2021-09-08 21:48:48 +09:00
Horacio Sanson 42aadf6a26
Fix 3886 - Don't JSON decode completion user data if already a dict (#3894)
Co-authored-by: Horacio Sanson <>
2021-09-08 21:45:19 +09:00
Amadeus Demarzi 35d0bd1519
Fix truncated echo (#3889)
* Fix truncated echo

In typescript, when putting the cursor on a `>` character of an arrow
function, the displayString body comes back as an empty string, and
means the split operation has 0 items, causing a failure when attempting
to call TruncatedEcho.

Even if there's a better fix, I'd assume this is a good safety since we
are injesting external data.

* Convert to use `empty()`
2021-09-06 11:26:32 +09:00
Jon Parise 8fd23f4b71
Introduce an ALELSPStarted autocommand (#3878)
This User autocommand is trigged immediately after an LSP process is
successfully initialized. This provides a way to perform any additional
initialization work, such as setting up buffer-level mappings.
2021-09-05 10:07:53 +09:00
tsjordan-eng b9fdb91e92
Cppcheck backwards compat 1.34 (#3887)
* Add support for cppcheck 1.34

* Add cppcheck 1.34 tests, correct pattern

Co-authored-by: Tyler S. Jordan <>
2021-09-03 22:31:17 +09:00
Jelte Fennema d53a085096
Add fixer for "dotnet format" (#3879)
The .NET ecosystem has an official tool for formatting its files: `dotnet format`
This adds support for that tool to ALE.
2021-08-25 15:27:04 +09:00
João Pesce f896744fee
Close #3872 - Add eslint-plugin-jsonc as a linter for JSON, JSONC and JSON5 (#3873)
* Add eslint as linter for JSON, JSONC and JSON5

Use the same lint configuration as eslint for javascript.

* Add documentation for JSON* eslint support

* Fix spacing in documentation

* Update docs to be unopinionated about plugins

Remove any preference for eslint plugins, since there are more thant one
that would work

* Reorder languages and tools in alphabetic order

* Fix misalignment

* Change orders to pass the tests
2021-08-21 10:02:56 +09:00
toastal a099fe24b2
Dhall fixes: use stdin, doc errors (#3868)
* purs-tidy

* Dhall fixes: use stdin, docs errors
2021-08-09 20:43:50 +09:00
toastal 9264ffda23
purs-tidy fix (#3867)
* purs-tidy

* Fixup for purs-tidy
2021-08-09 20:42:19 +09:00
pigfrown 836125391a
Adds fixer for golines (#3862)
* Adds fixer for golines

* Repositions golines docs to be in alphabetical order

* Fixes golines doc tag

* Fixes formatting for golines docs
2021-08-09 10:13:43 +09:00
Horacio Sanson d6f5fb69ad
Fix 3853 - Update 💾 icon on supported tools list. (#3854)
Look for all linters that have "lint_file" set to 1 and verify tools
that have it have the :floopy_disk: icon set and those that don't do not
have it.

Correspondingly added/removed !! on
ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt file.

Co-authored-by: Horacio Sanson <>
2021-08-08 22:15:36 +09:00