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" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: Hover support for LSP linters.
let s:hover_map = {}
" Used to get the hover map in tests.
function! ale#hover#GetMap() abort
return deepcopy(s:hover_map)
" Used to set the hover map in tests.
function! ale#hover#SetMap(map) abort
let s:hover_map = a:map
function! ale#hover#ClearLSPData() abort
let s:hover_map = {}
function! ale#hover#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
if get(a:response, 'command', '') is# 'quickinfo'
\&& has_key(s:hover_map, a:response.request_seq)
let l:options = remove(s:hover_map, a:response.request_seq)
if get(a:response, 'success', v:false) is v:true
\&& get(a:response, 'body', v:null) isnot v:null
" If we pass the show_documentation flag, we should show the full
" documentation, and always in the preview window.
if get(l:options, 'show_documentation', 0)
let l:documentation = get(a:response.body, 'documentation', '')
" displayString is not included here, because it can be very
" noisy and run on for many lines for complex types. A less
" verbose alternative may be nice in future.
if !empty(l:documentation)
call ale#preview#Show(split(l:documentation, "\n"), {
\ 'filetype': 'ale-preview.message',
\ 'stay_here': 1,
elseif get(l:options, 'hover_from_balloonexpr', 0)
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
\&& exists('*balloon_show')
\&& ale#Var(l:options.buffer, 'set_balloons')
call balloon_show(a:response.body.displayString)
elseif get(l:options, 'truncated_echo', 0)
call ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(split(a:response.body.displayString, "\n")[0])
elseif g:ale_hover_to_preview
call ale#preview#Show(split(a:response.body.displayString, "\n"), {
\ 'filetype': 'ale-preview.message',
\ 'stay_here': 1,
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
call ale#util#ShowMessage(a:response.body.displayString)
" Convert a language name to another one.
" The language name could be an empty string or v:null
function! s:ConvertLanguageName(language) abort
return a:language
function! ale#hover#ParseLSPResult(contents) abort
let l:includes = {}
let l:highlights = []
let l:lines = []
let l:list = type(a:contents) is v:t_list ? a:contents : [a:contents]
let l:region_index = 0
for l:item in l:list
if !empty(l:lines)
call add(l:lines, '')
if type(l:item) is v:t_dict && has_key(l:item, 'kind')
if l:item.kind is# 'markdown'
" Handle markdown values as we handle strings below.
let l:item = get(l:item, 'value', '')
elseif l:item.kind is# 'plaintext'
" We shouldn't try to parse plaintext as markdown.
" Pass the lines on and skip parsing them.
call extend(l:lines, split(get(l:item, 'value', ''), "\n"))
let l:marked_list = []
" If the item is a string, then we should parse it as Markdown text.
if type(l:item) is v:t_string
let l:fence_language = v:null
let l:fence_lines = []
for l:line in split(l:item, "\n")
if l:fence_language is v:null
" Look for the start of a code fence. (```python, etc.)
let l:match = matchlist(l:line, '^```\(.*\)$')
if !empty(l:match)
let l:fence_language = l:match[1]
if !empty(l:marked_list)
call add(l:fence_lines, '')
if !empty(l:marked_list)
\&& l:marked_list[-1][0] isnot v:null
call add(l:marked_list, [v:null, ['']])
call add(l:marked_list, [v:null, [l:line]])
elseif l:line =~# '^```$'
" When we hit the end of a code fence, pass the fenced
" lines on to the next steps below.
call add(l:marked_list, [l:fence_language, l:fence_lines])
let l:fence_language = v:null
let l:fence_lines = []
" Gather lines inside of a code fence.
call add(l:fence_lines, l:line)
" If the result from the LSP server is a {language: ..., value: ...}
" Dictionary, then that should be interpreted as if it was:
" ```${language}
" ${value}
" ```
elseif type(l:item) is v:t_dict
\&& has_key(l:item, 'language')
\&& type(l:item.language) is v:t_string
\&& has_key(l:item, 'value')
\&& type(l:item.value) is v:t_string
call add(
\ l:marked_list,
\ [l:item.language, split(l:item.value, "\n")],
for [l:language, l:marked_lines] in l:marked_list
if l:language is v:null
" NOTE: We could handle other Markdown formatting here.
call map(
\ l:marked_lines,
\ 'substitute(v:val, ''\\_'', ''_'', ''g'')',
let l:language = s:ConvertLanguageName(l:language)
if !empty(l:language)
let l:includes[l:language] = printf(
\ 'syntax/%s.vim',
\ l:language,
let l:start = len(l:lines) + 1
let l:end = l:start + len(l:marked_lines)
let l:region_index += 1
call add(l:highlights, 'syntax region'
\ . ' ALE_hover_' . l:region_index
\ . ' start=/\%' . l:start . 'l/'
\ . ' end=/\%' . l:end . 'l/'
\ . ' contains=@ALE_hover_' . l:language
call extend(l:lines, l:marked_lines)
let l:include_commands = []
for [l:language, l:lang_path] in sort(items(l:includes))
call add(l:include_commands, 'unlet! b:current_syntax')
call add(
\ l:include_commands,
\ printf('syntax include @ALE_hover_%s %s', l:language, l:lang_path),
return [l:include_commands + l:highlights, l:lines]
function! ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort
if has_key(a:response, 'id')
\&& has_key(s:hover_map,
let l:options = remove(s:hover_map,
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
" If the call did __not__ come from balloonexpr...
if !get(l:options, 'hover_from_balloonexpr', 0)
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let [l:line, l:column] = getpos('.')[1:2]
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
let l:end = len(getline(l:line))
if l:buffer isnot l:options.buffer
\|| l:line isnot l:options.line
\|| min([l:column, l:end]) isnot min([l:options.column, l:end])
" ... Cancel display the message if the cursor has moved.
" The result can be a Dictionary item, a List of the same, or null.
let l:result = get(a:response, 'result', v:null)
if l:result is v:null
let [l:commands, l:lines] = ale#hover#ParseLSPResult(l:result.contents)
if !empty(l:lines)
if get(l:options, 'hover_from_balloonexpr', 0)
\&& exists('*balloon_show')
\&& ale#Var(l:options.buffer, 'set_balloons')
call balloon_show(join(l:lines, "\n"))
elseif get(l:options, 'truncated_echo', 0)
call ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(l:lines[0])
elseif g:ale_hover_to_preview
call ale#preview#Show(l:lines, {
\ 'filetype': 'ale-preview.message',
\ 'stay_here': 1,
\ 'commands': l:commands,
call ale#util#ShowMessage(join(l:lines, "\n"), {
\ 'commands': l:commands,
function! s:OnReady(line, column, opt, linter, lsp_details) abort
let l:id = a:lsp_details.connection_id
if !ale#lsp#HasCapability(l:id, 'hover')
let l:buffer = a:lsp_details.buffer
let l:Callback = a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
\ ? function('ale#hover#HandleTSServerResponse')
\ : function('ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse')
call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback)
if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
let l:column = a:column
let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Quickinfo(
\ l:buffer,
\ a:line,
\ l:column
" Send a message saying the buffer has changed first, or the
" hover position probably won't make sense.
2018-08-24 12:16:58 +00:00
call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:id, l:buffer)
let l:column = min([a:column, len(getbufline(l:buffer, a:line)[0])])
let l:message = ale#lsp#message#Hover(l:buffer, a:line, l:column)
2018-08-24 12:16:58 +00:00
let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message)
let s:hover_map[l:request_id] = {
\ 'buffer': l:buffer,
\ 'line': a:line,
\ 'column': l:column,
\ 'hover_from_balloonexpr': get(a:opt, 'called_from_balloonexpr', 0),
\ 'show_documentation': get(a:opt, 'show_documentation', 0),
\ 'truncated_echo': get(a:opt, 'truncated_echo', 0),
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
" Obtain Hover information for the specified position
" Pass optional arguments in the dictionary opt.
" Currently, only one key/value is useful:
" - called_from_balloonexpr, this flag marks if we want the result from this
" ale#hover#Show to display in a balloon if possible
" Currently, the callbacks displays the info from hover :
" - in the balloon if opt.called_from_balloonexpr and balloon_show is detected
" - as status message otherwise
function! ale#hover#Show(buffer, line, col, opt) abort
let l:show_documentation = get(a:opt, 'show_documentation', 0)
let l:Callback = function('s:OnReady', [a:line, a:col, a:opt])
TUI / GUI tooltip with content from ALEHover (#1556) * Guard the ballooneval settings * Mark main objectives to do to get nice Hover * Make tweaks to make the tooltip work - See " XXX: comments * Guard balloon_show call * Use return instead of finish for functions * ale#hover#show : Add optional arguments to specify arbtirary position This change is requested to be able to call the function with mouse position to enable hover information in vim's balloon * ale#ballon#Disable : Remove feature guards * ale#balloon : Show 'ALEHover' output on balloon if no diagnostic found * ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse : remove the check for cursor position This check prevented the 'ALEHover in balloon' feature, since mouse position is almost never cursor position. * ale#balloon#MessageForPos : Change the return of balloonexpr balloonexpr evaluation now works even without balloon_show for basic diagnostics, leaving the balloon_show call to ale#hover#Show, which can then feature guard the call to avoid errors * ale#hover#Response : Feature guard balloon_show calls * ale#hover : always display 'Hover' information in messages Also add a small comment to warn readers the different outputs the ale#hover#Show will write to * {LSP,TS}Response : use only variables from the Response It is clearer that we only rely on l:options to get the relevant data to build the LSP Response string * hover#ShowDetails : fix an issue where not having focus broke balloons The issue was caused by not using a buffer-specific version of getline() to cap the value of the column sent in the message to LSP. Therefore a cursor on column 10 in an inactive window could send a message with column=0, if the active window had a buffer with too few lines * {LSP,TS}Response : Remove redundant checks for balloon_show call With the upcoming change in ale_set_balloons default value (see Pull Request w0rp/ale#1565), this check will be useless * balloonexpr? : Add a flag to separate hover#Show() calls The goal of this flag is to make `:ALEHover` calls not pop a balloon under the cursor, since the user has probably no interest in their cursor while typing the command The flag is a default argument which is overridden only in ballonexpr call of ale#hover#Show, and stays set in the hover_map until the callback for the LSP handles it. There are no automated tests for this feature right now, and the nature of the addition (one optional argument in the API) should make it transparent to existing tests. Since the differentiation is now possible, the check for moved cursor has been put back in ale#hover#HandleLSPResponse * ale#hover#hover_map : Protect accesses to hover_map Using get() is safer than trying to access directly with ., as the tests show. * Raise timeout to try to get Appveyor happy * Review : Fix comments * Review : pass the optional argument 'called_from_balloonexpr' in a Dict This optional dictionary has documentation just before the function using it, ale#hover#Show, and allows easier extension in the future.
2018-05-16 20:23:48 +00:00
for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype'))
" Only tsserver supports documentation requests at the moment.
if !empty(l:linter.lsp)
\&& (!l:show_documentation || l:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver')
call ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(a:buffer, l:linter, l:Callback)
" This function implements the :ALEHover command.
function! ale#hover#ShowAtCursor() abort
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let l:pos = getpos('.')
call ale#hover#Show(l:buffer, l:pos[1], l:pos[2], {})
function! ale#hover#ShowTruncatedMessageAtCursor() abort
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let [l:info, l:loc] = ale#util#FindItemAtCursor(l:buffer)
if empty(l:loc)
let l:pos = getpos('.')
call ale#hover#Show(l:buffer, l:pos[1], l:pos[2], {'truncated_echo': 1})
" This function implements the :ALEDocumentation command.
function! ale#hover#ShowDocumentationAtCursor() abort
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let l:pos = getpos('.')
let l:options = {'show_documentation': 1}
call ale#hover#Show(l:buffer, l:pos[1], l:pos[2], l:options)