2022-12-08 11:06:34 -08:00

73 lines
1.6 KiB

const fs = require('fs/promises');
let answer = 0;
const rotate90 = (matrix) => {
const result = matrix[matrix.length - 1].map(x => [x]) ;
for (const row of (matrix.slice(0, -1).reverse())) {
for(const [i, columns] of result.entries()) {
return result;
const isVisible = (matrix, rotatedMatrix, x, y) => {
const height = matrix[y][x];
const rY = x;
const rX = matrix.length - y - 1;
const left = matrix[y].slice(0, x);
if(Math.max(...left) < height) {
return 1;
const right = matrix[y].slice(x + 1);
if(Math.max(...right) < height) {
return 1;
const bottom = rotatedMatrix[rY].slice(0, rX);
if(Math.max(...bottom) < height) {
return 1;
const top = rotatedMatrix[rY].slice(rX + 1);
if(Math.max( < height) {
return 1;
return 0;
const countVisible = (matrix) => {
return matrix.reduce((count, row) => {
const [_, rowCount] = row.reduce(([tallest, count], tree) => {
return [Math.max(tree, tallest), tree > tallest ? count+1: count];
}, [-1, 0]);
return count + rowCount;
(async () => {
const input = await fs.readFile("./input.txt", 'utf8');
//const input = "1234\n5678\n9012";
const lines = input.split("\n");
const matrix = => line.split("").map(x => parseFloat(x))).filter(x => x.length);
const rotatedMatrix = rotate90(matrix);
for(let y = 0; y < matrix.length; ++y) {
for(let x = 0; x < matrix[0].length; ++x) {
if(isVisible(matrix, rotatedMatrix, x, y)) {