Monkey 0: Starting items: 97, 81, 57, 57, 91, 61 Operation: new = old * 7 Test: divisible by 11 If true: throw to monkey 5 If false: throw to monkey 6 Monkey 1: Starting items: 88, 62, 68, 90 Operation: new = old * 17 Test: divisible by 19 If true: throw to monkey 4 If false: throw to monkey 2 Monkey 2: Starting items: 74, 87 Operation: new = old + 2 Test: divisible by 5 If true: throw to monkey 7 If false: throw to monkey 4 Monkey 3: Starting items: 53, 81, 60, 87, 90, 99, 75 Operation: new = old + 1 Test: divisible by 2 If true: throw to monkey 2 If false: throw to monkey 1 Monkey 4: Starting items: 57 Operation: new = old + 6 Test: divisible by 13 If true: throw to monkey 7 If false: throw to monkey 0 Monkey 5: Starting items: 54, 84, 91, 55, 59, 72, 75, 70 Operation: new = old * old Test: divisible by 7 If true: throw to monkey 6 If false: throw to monkey 3 Monkey 6: Starting items: 95, 79, 79, 68, 78 Operation: new = old + 3 Test: divisible by 3 If true: throw to monkey 1 If false: throw to monkey 3 Monkey 7: Starting items: 61, 97, 67 Operation: new = old + 4 Test: divisible by 17 If true: throw to monkey 0 If false: throw to monkey 5