(function(){ 'use strict'; var AUTH_SETTINGS = { clientID: "1944365805820399", redirectURI: "http://localhost:3000/", authEndpoint: "https://www.facebook.com/v2.10/dialog/oauth", requiredPerms: ["user_posts"] } var store = { status: "unauthenticated", userName: "", feed: [] } $Auth.init(AUTH_SETTINGS); if(document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onload); } else { onload(); } function onload(){ var feed = document.getElementById("feed"); var header = document.getElementById("header"); if(!$Auth.isAuthed()) { if($Auth.wasError()){ header.textContent = "It won't work if I can't spy on you. Are you \ sure you don't want to authorize it?"; header.appendChild(createAuthButton("TRY AGAIN")); } else { header.textContent = "First you need to authorize Facebook to allow me \ to spy on you."; header.appendChild(createAuthButton("AUTHORIZE")); } } else { $Auth.addExpireListener(onload); header.textContent = "Hello person."; } } function renderFeed() { } function createAuthButton(buttonText) { var button = document.createElement("Button"); button.onclick = function(){$Auth.gotoAuth();}; button.value = "authorize"; button.type = "button"; button.textContent = buttonText; return button; } })();