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2017-10-06 05:26:57 +00:00
'use strict';
//This is how the world accesses it!
var Auth = window.$Auth = {};
var error;
var expireListeners = [];
//Init should be called before any other functions are used
//settings: {
// clientID: client_id for oauth request
// redirectURI: where redirect to with the token after authorizing
// authEndpoint: OAuth endpoint to retrieve token
// requiredPerms: what permissions to request from the user
Auth.init = function(settings) {
var isValid = Auth.verifySettings(settings);
if(!isValid) {
console.error("authenticator($Auth) initialized with invalid settings! \
There may be problems...");
Auth.settings = {};
Auth.settings.clientID = settings.clientID;
Auth.settings.redirectURI = settings.redirectURI;
Auth.settings.authEndpoint = settings.authEndpoint;
Auth.settings.requiredPerms = settings.requiredPerms;
if(Auth.getToken()) {
if(Date.now() >= Auth.getToken().expiresTime) {
} else {
window.setTimeout(Auth.expire, Auth.getToken().expiresTime - Date.now());
if(window.location.hash !== "") {
var hashParams = Auth.parseParams(window.location.hash);
if(hashParams.error_reason) {
error = error_reason;
window.location.hash = "";
if(hashParams.access_token) {
if(hashParams.state === Auth.getState()) {
Auth.setToken(hashParams.access_token, hashParams.expires_in);
} else {
console.error("Invalid state! Something fishy here. Ignoring token...");
console.error("Our state: ", hashParams.state, " Received state: ", hashParams.state);
return isValid;
//Used to verify a settings object for init. Also checked before each call
//that uses the settings.
Auth.verifySettings = function(settings) {
return (
settings &&
settings.clientID &&
settings.redirectURI &&
settings.authEndpoint &&
Object.prototype.toString.call(settings.requiredPerms) === '[object Array]'
//Test if the current $Auth.settings are valid.
Auth.isInit = function(){
return Auth.verifySettings(Auth.settings);
Auth.isAuthed = function() {
return Auth.getToken();
Auth.wasError = function() {
return error;
//Redirect to the auth endpoint and request an implicit authorization
// according to the current $Auth.settings.
Auth.gotoAuth = function() {
if(!Auth.isInit()) {
"Error! Please configure with $Auth.init() before using $Auth"
//User needs to know when things have expires so they can react to it.
Auth.addExpireListener = function(listener) {
expireListeners.push (listener);
Auth.removeExpireListener = function(listener) {
expireListeners.forEach(function(element, i) {
if(element === listener) {
expireListeners[i] = undefined;
Auth.addExpireListener = function(listener) {
expireListeners.push (listener);
Auth.removeExpireListener = function(listener) {
expireListeners.forEach(function(element, i) {
if(element === listener) {
expireListeners[i] = undefined;
Auth.expire = function() {
expireListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
if(typeof listener === "function") {
Auth.parseParams = function(params) {
var result = params.slice(1).split("&").reduce(function(obj, param) {
var parsed = param.split("=");
obj[parsed[0]] = decodeURIComponent(parsed[1]);
return obj;
}, {});
return result;
Auth.encodeParams = function(paramObj) {
return Object.keys(paramObj).map(function(key) {
return key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(paramObj[key]);
Auth.getToken = function() {
try {
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("$Auth_token"));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error parsing token string from storage.")
throw e;
Auth.setToken = function(value, expires) {
var token = {
value: value,
expiresTime: Date.now() + expires * 1000
window.setTimeout(Auth.expire, expires * 1000 - 60000);
window.localStorage.setItem("$Auth_token", JSON.stringify(token));
Auth.removeToken = function() {
Auth.getState = function() {
if(!window.localStorage.getItem("$Auth_state")) {
window.localStorage.setItem("$Auth_state", get15RandomSafeChars());
return window.localStorage.getItem("$Auth_state");
function redirectToAuthEndpoint(perms) {
var payload = {
client_id: Auth.settings.clientID,
redirect_uri: Auth.settings.redirectURI,
state: Auth.getState(),
response_type: "token",
scope: Auth.settings.requiredPerms.join(" ")
window.location = Auth.settings.authEndpoint + "?" + Auth.encodeParams(payload);
function get15RandomSafeChars() {
var characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_";
var string = "";
var numbers = [0,1,2].map(function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2,32));
numbers.forEach(function(num) {
var bits = num;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
string += characters[bits & 0x3f];
bits = bits >> 6;
return string;
function clearHash() {
if(window.history && typeof window.history.replaceState !== "undefined") {
history.replaceState({}, "", window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
} else {
window.location.hash = "";